Thursday, June 16, 2011

My first hunt --- Near death experience

Finally after a long pursuit of one of our close family friend I agreed to meet his family friends daughter for the alliance (back in my mind was excited after seeing her photo :) )


Before getting into their home Big B whispered ”Don’t be nervous dude” and that was enough to shake my confidence :(

Amused (Horrified) to see some 20+ people and later get to know that many of them are their relatives specifically came to SEE ME!!!!, huh!! when some (20*2)+ eyes are on you, you will become damn conscious, you cannot be your own and certainly turn stupid with your words and acts.

After waiting for a long the to-be-bride arrived with best possible make up available. I was not even comfortably having her glance due to these (20*2)+ eyes, but to be candid in the last 5 years I have mastered the art of peeping girls, “Hmmm…cool” that was my 1st unexpressed expression when I saw her.

At the final H-hour we both were let to talk or rather exchange few questionnaires.
Out of complete nervousness we greeted each other, I mustered my courage and said “Please don’t be nervous”. She might have said 'look whose talking', if she has sensed my nervousness.

Well, in that short span of 10 mins in which you are suppose to decide your spouse (or ur future MASTER) I ended up asking very dumb questions like what’s your qualification and occupation etc, which I already I knew!. In the last 2 mins she too completed the same formality about asking same Qs to me and TIMES UP!!!!

....... (has)To be continued................


  1. welcome to the world of hunt.keep the spirits up dude.

    From sandeep jajee

  2. Just wait n watch dear u gonna be export in dis field..;)

  3. So this will be your last independence day this year?

  4. @Sandy: Not sure whether spirits will still remain high after my 1st encounter

  5. @Meenz: Ha Ha .. yeah good idea, with that expertise I can write "101 ways to choose a girl"

  6. Ash: well, planning to have couple of more independence day before they term as shahid ;)
