Monday, December 13, 2010

Kissing good bye to the freakiest decade of my life!

I am all amused to know that, time is up to kiss a goodbye to the freakiest decade of my life, which I have started as an teenager and winding up it in my late 20’s.
The only Mantra throughout these 10years was MERI MARZI, neither any sort of responsibility nor commitments, and the only funda of life was to have fun in my own terms.

I think this decade was the most coolest one of my life, it has seen my (Not so?) lovely Engineering days, Hostel life, entry of life time friends, a shift from a three-tier town (Gulbarga) life style to Cosmopolitan Metro (Banaglore, Mumbai) life style, It has seen me freaking around chicks, It also witnessed my first job and my hard earned first salary, and all the tantrum of corporate life and many more wonderful things which are too personal to share on blog.

These last ten years have taught me many things it may not be wrong to say that I am altogether a different persona at 2010 as compared to 2000, however my new year resolution has not changed from past ten years, getting up early @ 7 AM and going for jog has been a Davinci Code from past 10 years , hopefully I will be able crack it this new year with a new beginning and new decade.

Well, I am sure the upcoming decade will not be as fun filled as this one, rather it will be more demanding in terms of responsibility but I am all up for this phase of life too, I know each phase/decade of our life has something to offer.

So with that heavy heart I am bidding adieu to this amazing decade of my life and very enthusiastically looking forward for the upcoming one!

In Advance I wish U a Happy new Year and Splendid New decade :)



  1. I felt refreshing after reading your blog. Its as refreshing as dew drop of early morning.Keep writing, I will wait for your next blog.

    Happy New Year and have fun while jogging. :)


  2. Keep up the attitude and writing.Wish you a rocking decade!


  3. Thnx Lalit and Ashwini for the feedback, I will make sure that you will enjoy my upcoming blogs too :)

  4. Well I never knew u write so well, njyed every word…....must say gr8 job dude!!.looking forward to read more of it!...happy blogging!!!!! & All da Best..:)

  5. Hmmm.. even with all its flaws, it has hit the mark. It made me think about myself in the last ten years. :). Since I've done well for myself ;), I'll say "Thank you" for making me think back.
